Fisherman's Friend Sampling & Brand Activation Tour

Fisherman's Friend Sampling & Brand Activation Tour

The Brief

Fisherman's Friend is a well-known, colorful brand and lozenge that helps people overcome surprising and difficult situations with its strong, but comforting and refreshing taste. Fisherman's Friend launched a new communication concept to the market, with the aim of bringing the strong, fresh and original taste back to the forefront of the brand.


Fisherman's Friend wanted to expand its target audience to a slightly younger audience, and as part of its marketing strategy, agreed on a long-term cooperation with Finnish Floorball League, called F-league. The shirts of the league's referees were exceptionally colored with Fisherman's Friend cross-stripe patterns already as a sign of previous cooperation. The brand wanted to take this well-received collaboration to the next level and increase the penetration of the product among those interested in floorball. They also wanted to distribute the products widely to the target audience in different cities, so that the tasting would lead to a product consideration and thus a purchase decision.



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Our Objectives

  • To create a promotional multichannel event concept that can be re-used in the future
  • To set up a promotional event at the F-League floorball games and targeted promotions in city centres for sharing free Fisherman's Friend lozenge samples before the evening games
  • To remind consumers of Fisherman's Friend brand and to increase the brand awareness among younger generation, all genders equally
  • To introduce different Fisherman's Friend flavors for tastings​ by targeting consumers on-the-go 

The Solution 

We created an event concept for the game events in different locations of the F-League. Concept consisted of a trigger competition (speed and accuracy) with prizes and the associated product distribution with different event elements, focusing on consumer activation. Simultaneously, we carried out promotional samplings at central locations in the centers of selected cities. The concept was implemented in total of 7 locations in 12 days. The concept was implemented also to social media with various contests, activations and other engaging posts. 

WaveCrest was responsible for the event concept, implementation of promotions, activation ideas, promotion staff, social media marketing, coordination and logistics on a turnkey basis. 


Our results in numbers




event days


game participants


distributed product samples


Fishermans Friend 2

Social media campaign to support promotions

In addition to activation campaign, we also implemented 2 promotional days in running events, where a total of 26,000 product samples were distributed.

Campaign was also executed as a digital activation in social media where thousands of target group members were reached with the help of various contests, activations and other engaging posts.


Fishesmans Friend (5)

Fishesmans Friend (3)

Fishesmans Friend (2)